Source code for controllers.fitter

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy import ndimage
from collections import abc,namedtuple
from controllers.fit_function_factory import *
from controllers.utility import fit_data_to
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import weakref
import gc

[docs]class Fit: r""" Performs least square fitting, providing a couple of fit_functions Attributes ---------- fit_functions: list(str) Name of fit functions as a list of strings. Possible values are: **gaussian:** :math:`y = h e^{ \frac{-(x - c)^ 2 } {2w^2}} + b`, where h is the intensity, c the centre, b the offset, and w the variance of the distribution. Optimal for single profiles. **bigaussian:** :math:`y = h_1 e^{ \frac{-(x - c_1)^ 2 } {2w_1^2}}+h_2 e^{ \frac{-(x - c_2)^ 2 } {2w_2^2}} + b`. Optimal for profiles with dip. **trigaussian:** :math:`y = h_1 e^{ \frac{-(x - c_1)^ 2 } {2w_1^2}}+ h_2 e^{ \frac{-(x - c_2)^ 2 } {2w_2^2}} + h_3 e^{ \frac{-(x - c_3)^ 2 } {2w_3^2}} + b`. Optimal for profiles with dip and background. **cylinder_projection:** :math:`y = \Biggl \lbrace { h(\sqrt{r_2 ^2 - (x-c) ^ 2} - \sqrt{r_1 ^ 2 - (x-c) ^ 2}),\text{ if } \|x\| < r_2 \atop h(\sqrt{r_2 ^2 - (x-c) ^ 2}), \text{ if } \|x\| \geq r1, \|x\| < r_2 }`, where r_1, r_2 denote the inner and outer cylinder radius. Describes the theoretical intensity profile for microtubule. The quality of the fit strongly depends on the initial estimation of the parameters, due to the nonlinearity of the cylinder function. **multi_cylinder_projection:** :math:`y = cyl(i_1, c, 25e_x/2-2a, 25e_x/2-a) +\\ cyl(i_2, c, 42.5e_x/2, 42.5e_x/2+a) +\\ cyl(i_3, c, 25e_x/2+a,25e_x/2+2a) + b`, this function assumes that a micrutubule sample was pre- and post labled under expansion microscopy (expansion factor :math:`e_x`) the second cyl(cylinder_projection) compensates for pre labled fluorophores while the first and last cyl fit, post labled fluorophores considering a free orientation of the second antibody (antibody width a = 8.75). Example ------- >>> fitter = fit_gaussian() >>> X = np.linspace(0,199,200) >>> gaussian = fit_gaussian.gaussian(X, 7.0, 20, 100, 0) >>> gaussian = gaussian/gaussian.max() >>> bigaussian = fitter.bigaussian(X, 6.0, 20, 140, 6.0, 20, 60, 0) >>> bigaussian = bigaussian/bigaussian.max() >>> trigaussian = fitter.trigaussian(X, 6.0, 20, 140, 6.0, 20, 60, 2.0, 20, 100, 0) >>> trigaussian = trigaussian/trigaussian.max() >>> plt.plot(gaussian, label="gaussian") >>> plt.plot(bigaussian, label= "bigaussian") >>> plt.plot(trigaussian, label="trigaussian") >>> plt.legend(loc='best') >>> >>> cylinder_proj = fit_gaussian.cylinder_projection(X, 25,100, 50, 60, 0,blur=1,) >>> cylinder_proj = cylinder_proj/cylinder_proj.max() >>> multicylinder = fitter.multi_cylinder_projection(X, 6, 6, 6, 100, 3, 0, blur= 1) >>> multicylinder = multicylinder/multicylinder.max() >>> plt.plot(cylinder_proj, label="cylinder-projection") >>> plt.plot(multicylinder, label="multicylinder") >>> plt.legend(loc='best') >>> .. image:: fig/multi_gaussian.png :width: 49% .. image:: fig/cylinder.png :width: 49% """ def __init__(self): self.expansion = 1 self._service = None @property def service(self): return self._service @service.setter def service(self, func): self._service = func @property def fit_function(self): return fit_functions @fit_function.setter def fit_function(self, value): if isinstance(value, abc.Iterable): unique_val = set(value) #self._fit_functions = unique_val else: raise ValueError("Fit functions must be of iterable type") for func in unique_val: #if func not in fit_functions: register(globals()[func]) if len(fit_functions.keys()-unique_val) !=0: functions = (fit_functions.keys()-unique_val) for func in functions: fit_functions.pop(func) #fit_functions.remove(fit_functions-unique_val)
[docs] def fit_data(self, data, center, nth_line=0, path=None, c=(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), n_profiles=0): """ Fit given data to functions in fit_functions. Creates a folder for each given function in "path". A plot of input data the least square fit and the optimal parameters is saved as png. Parameters ---------- data: ndarray px_size: float [micro meter] sampling: int nth_line: int Extend path name with number on batch processing path: str Output data is saved in path c: tuple Defines the color of the data plot n_profiles: int Number of interpolated profiles. Is written as text in the plot. """ matplotlib.rc('font', **{'size' : 12},) matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Helvetica" x = np.linspace(0, data.shape[0]-1, data.shape[0]) x_aligned = x-int(center) for name,func in fit_functions.items(): fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.7)) ax1.plot(x_aligned, data / data.max(), c=c, label="averaged line profile") #fit = getattr(self, "fit_data_to_"+name) #func = getattr(self, name) optim, loss = fit_data_to(func, x, data, expansion=self.expansion, chi_squared=True) if self.service: self.service.send((optim[1],optim[0])) txt = name + "fit parameters: \n" + f"Number of profiles: {n_profiles} \n" for i,parameter in enumerate(func.fit_parameters): txt += parameter + f"{np.abs(optim[i]):.2f}" + "\n" ax1.plot(x_aligned,, *optim)/data.max() , lw=1, c=c, ls='--', label=name) ax1.legend(loc='best') ax1.set_ylabel("normed intensity [a.u.]") ax1.set_xlabel("distance [nm]") fig.text(0.5, 0.01, txt, ha='center') fig.set_size_inches(7, 12, forward=True) if path is not None: path_new = path+ r"\\"+name if not os.path.exists(path_new): os.makedirs(path_new) plt.savefig(path_new +rf'\profile_{nth_line}.png') plt.close(fig) plt.close("all") x= weakref.ref(fig) del fig del ax1 gc.collect(2) return loss
[docs]class Hist(): """ Plot data into a histogram and fit a right sided halfnorm to the histogram. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def create_histogram(self, values, path=None, start=400,stop=1100): """ Parameters ---------- values: data to be fitted start: start for the plot stop: for the plot +100 Returns ------- """ matplotlib.rc('font', **{'size' : 12},) matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Helvetica" fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.7),) bins = np.arange(start, stop, 10) x = ax1.hist(values, bins, color="white", edgecolor='#626F78') for item in x[2]: item.set_height(item.get_height() / x[0].max()) max_value = np.max(x[0]) j=0 for i in range(x[0].shape[0]): if x[0][i]>0.90*max_value: j = i func = fit_functions["halfnorm"] bin_new = x[1][:-1]+5 x_bin = np.arange(x[1].shape[0]-1) center_guess = x_bin[j] optim = fit_data_to(func, x_bin, x[0], center=center_guess) optim[2] *= 10 optim[2] += start optim[1] *= 10 optim[-1] *= 10 x_bin = np.arange(stop) values =, *optim) #x_bin += start ax1.plot(x_bin[np.where(values>0)], values[np.where(values>0)]/x[0].max(), c="r", linestyle='dashed') fig.text(0.5, 0.01, "strand distance: "+str(np.around(optim[2],2))+r"$\pm$" +str(np.around(optim[1],2)), ha='center') ax1.set_xlim(start,stop-100) ax1.set_ylim(0,1.1) print(j) ax1.set_ylabel("normed frequency [a.u.]") ax1.set_xlabel("distance [nm]") if path: plt.savefig(path + r'\histogram.png', dpi=1200) # plt.close(fig) # else: